Vile. Vicious. Cruel. Un-American. Un-Christian. In-humane. Words outpouring in the media since April 17 of this year to describe the deliberate separation of children from parents on the US/Mexico border. On that date a zero tolerance policy requiring the prosecution of unauthorized border crossers was implemented by the Department of Homeland Security of the United States of America.
President Trump himself says his own administration’s policy is one he “hates”. Attorney General Jeff Sessions quotes the Bible (ripping a verse out of context) in its defense (Romans 13). Scholars note that the same text Sessions butchers was employed by slave owners to justify their legal right to separate children from their parents along with shackling, beating, caging, torturing and lynching insubordinates, runaways and the randomly unlucky. President Trump defends the separation of children from their parents as a bargaining chip to persuade Democrats to commit funds to his long sought wall. Nationwide 2,000 minors were taken from their parents from April 19 through May 31, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security. The Border Patrol chief for the Rio Grande Valley predicts that number will double as the zero tolerance policy ramps up. In slave times, the vast majority of “Evangelical Christian” clergy preached support for slave owners from thousands of pulpits, Sunday after Sunday and at mid week services Wednesday evenings. They endorsed the spilling of Southern blood to save the slavocracy in the name of the Prince of Peace, their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This deformed (demonic?) version of Christianity didn’t die with them or the defeat of their cause. It lives on in the Scripture contorting Jeff Sessions, his many supporters and the legions of the complicit in the United States of America.
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Frank C. Pierson, Jr.Frank Pierson retired after forty years of work with the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) as a professional organizer. He began his career in 1971 in Chicago, moved to Queens, New York City and migrated west to work in Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado. He resides with his wife, Mary Ellen Kazda, in Oracle, Arizona. He may be reached at [email protected] Archives
June 2018