Leaders are made not born.
Leaders come in all shapes, sizes, faith traditions and locales. The democratic faith embraces the notion that every community has leaders. Sometimes they are readily apparent. Sometimes they have to be discovered, agitated and mentored. Leaders are distinguished from big mouths who sound good but have little or no following. Some leaders are interested in a single issue. Some leaders are interested in the vitality of the institution to which they belong be it a church, synagogue, mosque, union or non profit. Some leaders have a vision, depth of relationship, and concern for their own and other's development that qualifies them as primary leaders. All are essential to the building of broad based citizens organizations. |
Triumphs of the human spirit
Big and small, well known and obscure, triumphs of the human spirit happen all over the world. In public life, we call to mind Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There are countless others less well known but just as important. |