Who pays the piper...
... calls the tune... USUALLY.
I sit through meetings now with Republican lobbyists and it’s grim...they made this investment in the Republicans in the House, and this is what they have to show for it.
- Frank Keating, President, American Bankers Association, while watching House Republicans implode during the debt funding crisis. Keating is disturbed, for the moment, by what his money can't buy.
- Frank Keating, President, American Bankers Association, while watching House Republicans implode during the debt funding crisis. Keating is disturbed, for the moment, by what his money can't buy.
Raising hard money is hard -
Local organizations that raise their own money through dues and other local contributions are free to act independently of need to pander to outside interests. This is an IAF trademark.
-- but soft money has a price.
Organizations that become dependent on outside money like national foundations, super wealthy donors and politically connected networks may raise lots of money but lose independence.
The Imperial Vision of Franchise Organizing

Franchise organizing and its close cousin tag-along organizing usually assumes a national posture. Claims are made for national impact that require local organizations to operate within an established messaging framework. Whether conceived by one of the political parties or a "network" that funds the locals the outcome is much the same. A sacrifice of the integrity of local initiative often flows from top down financial incentives and controls.